Why Participate in a CPPP?
This is honestly some of the best training I have received, and I have been part 121 airline trained! I feel this is because of the passion of the instructors and members have for safety, and the love of their Cirrus aircraft. My wife did the partner in command track and my wife wants to fly more now that she is more comfortable. If for no others reason than that, it’s worth it! If you haven’t been to one, Do it! If you haven’t been to one in a while, Do It Again!
If you want to have a great experience, make new friends, enjoy yourself, and significantly improve your piloting skills and flying safely, DO NOT MISS CPPP!
CPPP weekends combine intense Cirrus-specific knowledge with social interaction with other like-minded pilots and their partners. Come for the fun and learn something.
The instructors (ground and flight) [at a CPPP weekend] are among the best available worldwide, not only in terms of subject matter expertise, but also the all important interpersonal relationship skills and ability to precisely address individual goals. And to top it off, the opportunities for casual "hangar talk" with like minded enthusiasts is terrific.
CPPP instructors are great, but the valuable contributions by the attendees can really add insights and practical tips for getting the most out of your Cirrus. Come join the discussions.
CPPP is fantastic and a wonderful learing experience. I highly recommend the simulator.
All CPPP weekends offer the John Leber Simulator Laboratory. We bring several desktop flight simulators to each event. Emergency procedures in a simulator can go much farther into the accident chain than an instructional flight. Partner-in-Command participants have a special simulator session that extends the classroom experience by practicing what they learn, including pulling the red CAPS handle.
Do it...definitely a safer pilot after this weekend
COPA promotes safety. CPPP promotes safety. And accident statistics reveal that COPA members and CPPP participants are much less involved in accidents. You participation makes a difference.
CPPP Participation Choices
For recurrent training, a CPPP includes a choice between flight + ground sessions, sim +ground sessions, or just ground only. We welcome your non-pilot partners at social events as well as the Partner in Command course. And we invite CFI/CSIP's, who want the most complete Cirrus-specific knowledge, through a Non-Owner CFI/CSIP registration at a discounted rate that just covers our costs.
All CPPP participants are welcome to our social events including the Friday evening reception and the Saturday evening dinner.