One-Time / Recurring Donations

One-Time or Recurring (Monthly/Quarterly) donations are the fastest way to make contributions to the COPA Saftey and Education Foundation.  No matter the amount, your contributions will help the COPA SEF achieve our mission and improve aviation safety.

Planned Giving Options

Memorial and Tribute Gifts

Honor a friend or loved one who has benefitted from the COPA Safety and Education Foundation, perhaps from participating in CPPP’s. Establish a memorial or tribute gift as a meaningful way to recognize their life or a special occasion, to continue their support of the Foundation’s work. Your one-time or recurring gift will promote Cirrus safety in the name of someone important to you and the goals of the COPA Safety and Education Foundation

Endowed Gifts

Give a gift with an immediate and a long-term result. Your endowment gift to the COPA Safety & Education Foundation is invested. A portion of the interest income is withdrawn annually to address the immediate needs and operating costs of the Foundation. The principal and remaining interest is reinvested to ensure long-term support of Foundation products and services. 

Wills & Trusts

As little as one sentence in your will or living trust designates your gift to the COPA Safety & Education Foundation.
It also permits you the flexibility to easily change your giving as your life circumstances change. Simply include this statement in your will or living trust document:
“I give to COPA Safety and Education Foundation, nonprofit corporation currently located at PO Box 7700, Grayslake, IL 60030, or its successor thereto, [a written amount or percentage ofthe estate, or description of property] for its unrestricted use and purpose.”

Charitable Lead Trusts

Benefit from the tax savings that result from supporting the COPA Safety and Education Foundation without giving up the assets you’d like your family to receive some day. A charitable lead trust pays annual income to charity and at the end of the designated term, the principal reverts back to you or others that you’ve chosen.

There are two ways your charitable lead trusts can help support the COPA Safety and Education Foundation:

  • A charitable lead annuity trust pays a fixed amount each year. It is more attractive when interest rates are low.
  • A charitable lead unitrust pays a variable amount annually based on the assets in the trust. When the value of the trust increases, the remainder to your beneficiaries and your annual support of COPA Safety and Education Foundation increases as well. 

Beneficiary Designations

Not everyone wants to commit to making a gift in their will or estate. Some prefer the simplicity and flexibility of a beneficiary designation from IRAs and retirement plans, life insurance policies and/or commercial annuities.

It takes only three simple steps to name the COPA Safety and Education Foundation as a beneficiary:

  1. Contact your retirement plan administrator, insurance agent, or financial institution for a change-of-beneficiary form.
  2. Decide what percentage, from 1% to 100%, of the funds you wish COPA Safety and Education Foundation to receive.
  3. Add COPA Safety and Education Foundation and your designated percentage to the form, then send the completed form to your plan administrator, insurance company or financial institution.

Charitable Reminder Trusts

If you have appreciated assets, a charitable remainder trust can defer capital gains tax while providing a life income to you or others from assets you give in trust at a future date. This structure may offer you tax benefits and the option of income.

There are two ways to receive payments:

  • The annuity trust pays you a fixed dollar amount annually which you choose when you start the fund. Your annual income payments remain the same regardless of fluctuations in trust value. The remainder to your chosen charity will vary with changes in the trust value.
  • The unitrust pays you a variable amount annually based on a fixed percentage of the fair market value of the trust assets and the remainder to charity.

COPA SEF Organization Info

Legal name: COPA Safety & Education Foundation
Federal Tax ID: 46-5678983
Address: 500 Westover Dr #32812, Sanford, NC 27330

The COPA Safety and Education Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the safety and support of Cirrus owners and pilots worldwide. The SEF and its Training LLC are registered as a 501(c)(3) and separate legal and taxable entities from COPA, which is a 501(c)(7) social club.

Have a Question? Need Help With a Donation? Email Us Today!