The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) defines
who may perform maintenance on certificated
aircraft in FAR 43.3. This rule lists all the usual
certificated suspects: mechanics, repair stations,
air carriers, repairmen employed by a repair station
or air carrier, and (under certain conditions) aircraft,
engine, propeller and appliance manufacturers. The
rule also permits maintenance to be done by ordinary
noncertificated folks, provided it’s done under the
supervision of and approved by a certificated mechanic.
Beyond that, FAR 43.3 permits a pilot to perform preventive
maintenance on an aircraft owned or operated by that
pilot, only if the aircraft is used strictly for non-commercial
operations under Part 91. Pilots may do this all by
themselves without any A&P involvement.
How cool is that?
What exactly is this preventive maintenance stuff that pilots
are permitted to do on their own recognizance? Ah, there
lies the rub! The phrase “preventive maintenance” is defined
in FAR 1.1 (Definitions) as follows: “Preventive maintenance
means simple or minor preservation operations and the
replacement of small standard parts not involving complex
assembly operations.”
That’s about as clear as mud. What exactly are preservation
operations? Which ones are considered simple or minor?
What assembly operations are considered complex? The
definition doesn’t say.
Appendix A
In an attempt to help clear up this mystery, the FAA
published Appendix A to Part 43 of the FARs. Appendix
A consists of three lengthy lists: (a) things the FAA considers
to be major alterations; (b) things the FAA considers to
be major repairs; and (c) things the FAA considers to be
preventive maintenance tasks.
The first two lists in Appendix A – major alterations
and major repairs – are clearly exemplary rather than
exhaustive. It’s obviously impossible for the FAA
rulemaking lawyers to anticipate every sort of alteration
or repair someone might want to perform on an aircraft.
It’s always been well understood that these Appendix A
lists are simply examples of the kinds of alterations and
repairs that the FAA deems to be major ones, and which
therefore must be done using FAA-approved data, and
must also be inspected and approved by an IA before
the aircraft can be returned to service.
This third list – preventive maintenance tasks – seems
different. It starts out like this …
(c) Preventive maintenance. Preventive maintenance is
limited to the following work, provided it does not involve
complex assembly operations:
… followed by a list of 31 specific enumerated tasks that
the FAA considers to be preventive maintenance that a
pilot may perform without A&P supervision.
The list includes such things as changing tires; servicing
shock struts; greasing wheel bearings; lubricating just about
anything (including engine oil changes); servicing hydraulic
fluid; repairing upholstery and cabin furnishings; replacing
seats and safety belts; replacing side windows (but not
windshields); making simple repairs to fabric, skin, cowlings
or fairings; replacing landing light and position light bulbs; troubleshooting and repairing landing
light wiring; replacing or cleaning,
gapping and rotating spark plugs;
replacing prefabricated fuel lines and
any non-hydraulic hose connections;
cleaning or replacing fuel and oil
strainers and filters; replacing and
servicing batteries; and removing
and replacing tray-mounted avionics,
except for autopilots, transponders
and DMEs.
It’s a pretty generous list, but it’s not
obvious what the FAA was thinking
when it came up with the list.
There are some things on the list that
don’t seem to be “simple or minor
preservation operations” by any
stretch of the imagination. Replacing
side windows on a Beech, Cessna
or Piper airplane is an awful job,
involving two-part catalytic sealant
(Pro-Seal) that sometimes requires
the use of low-grade tactical nuclear
weapons to remove – even A&Ps hate
this job (don’t ask me how I know
this!). Servicing main landing gear
shock struts involves releasing and
then inserting high-pressure nitrogen;
you can get seriously hurt if you don’t
know what you’re doing. The same
caution applies to replacing tires.
Other things on the list are just plain
head-scratchers. Why does the FAA
say it’s okay for a pilot to replace
landing and nav light bulbs, but not
post light or courtesy light bulbs? Why
can a pilot troubleshoot and repair
landing light wiring but not any other
wiring? Why is it okay for a pilot to
remove and reinstall a GNS 530W
navigator or a G1000 primary flight
display but not a KT-76A transponder
or KN-64 DME? All things that make
me go hmmmm …
But, the list in Appendix A is introduced
by the words “[p]reventive
maintenance is limited to the
following work …” suggesting that
the list is exhaustive, not exemplary.
Advisory Circular 43-12A (“Preventive
Maintenance”) reinforces this notion
when it says:
FAR Part 43, Appendix A, paragraph
(c) contains the list of those functions
determined by the FAA to meet this
definition. If a function does not
appear in this list, it is not preventive
That would seem to settle the matter, head-scratchers be
damned. The FAA says if it isn’t on the list, you can’t do
it without getting an A&P to supervise you and sign off
your work in the aircraft maintenance records.
Or does it?
The Coleal Interpretation
In February 2009, the FAA’s Office of Chief Counsel,
Rulemaking Division (AGC-200) issued a letter in response
to a request for legal interpretation by David Coleal, vice
president and general manager of Bombardier Learjet. The
question Mr. Coleal posed to the FAA rulemaking lawyers
was: “Is it legal for the pilot of a transport-category Learjet
60 to check the tire pressure?” The answer to that simple
question by FAA headquarters was a game-changer for
our understanding of what the FAA does or does not
consider to be preventive maintenance.
The Learjet 60 has unusually high-pressure tires (up to
219 psi) and is subject to an Airworthiness Limitation requiring
that the tire pressure be checked daily. Consequently,
checking tire pressure requires a special gauge and special
procedures, and is arguably a bit risky. The question was:
Is this something the pilot may do, or does it require an
A&P? Also, is the answer to this question different for a
Learjet 60 being operated under Part 135 and one being
operated under Part 91?
Surprisingly, the FAA’s official answer to Mr. Coleal was that
checking the tire pressure on a Learjet 60 is a preventive
maintenance task, even though it is not on the list set forth
in Part 43, Appendix A. Consequently, the FAA ruled that
a pilot may legally perform the daily tire pressure check
provided the Learjet 60 is being operated under Part 91.
If the airplane is operating under Part 135, however, then
pilot-performed preventive maintenance (including the
daily tire pressure check) is not allowed (per FAR 43.3),
and an A&P must do it.
Ah, but how did the FAA lawyers determine that the tire
pressure check was a preventive maintenance task even
though it is not on the list? That’s where this story gets
interesting. The Coleal letter states, in pertinent part:
Even though the introductory text of [Appendix A]
subparagraph (c) states that “[p]reventive maintenance
is limited to the following work …” (emphasis added), in
view of the broader definition of preventive maintenance in
section 1.1, we believe that such limitation is not controlling.
Similarly, for the same reason, we also believe that the
following sentence in Advisory Circular 43-12A … is overly
restrictive. That sentence … states: “If a task or maintenance
function does not appear in the list, it is not preventive
maintenance.” As with the other paragraphs of Appendix
A (i.e., on major repairs and major alterations), the lists are
better viewed as examples of the tasks in each category
– they cannot be considered all-inclusive. There are, no
doubt, many “simple or minor preservation operations
[tasks]” and many “replacement[s] of small standard parts
not involving complex assembly operations” performed daily, especially on small general aviation aircraft that the
agency would consider to be preventive maintenance,
though they are not included in the … listed items.
So, the official answer from 800 Independence – one that
set a legal precedent that has been in effect for the past
10 years – is that the preventive maintenance a Part 91
pilot is permitted to do on their own recognizance is NOT
limited to the 31 items on “the list” but can include all sorts
of other things of comparable ease and non-complexity
as the 31 listed exemplary tasks.
That means that if you want to change a burned out post
light lamp, just go ahead and do it, never mind that it’s not
on the list. Since changing a post light lamp is no more
difficult, complex or risky than changing a landing light
or nav light (both tasks that are on the list), what possible
reason could the FAA have for NOT considering it to be
preventive maintenance?
Similar logic would apply to repairing a faulty nav light or
strobe light wiring, which is not on the list, even though
repairing landing light wiring is on the list. How could one
of these reasonably be considered preventive maintenance
and the others not?
You get the idea. Given what the FAA said in the Coleal
letter, if you do something not on the list that’s similar
to something that is on the list and no more difficult,
complex or risky, you’re on pretty firm legal ground should
your action ever be challenged. Contrary to conventional
wisdom – which might have been valid prior to 2009 but no
longer is – you’re NOT limited to the 31 items on the list.
Mike Busch has been a pilot, aircraft owner and CFI for
more than four decades and 7,500 hours. He became
increasingly interested in the maintenance aspects of
aircraft ownership about 20 years ago, ultimately earned
his A&P/IA, and in 2008 was honored by the FAA as
“National Aviation Maintenance Technician of the Year.”
Mike is founder and CEO of Savvy Aircraft Maintenance
Management, the world’s largest firm providing
professional maintenance management for owner-flown
aircraft, which presently manages more than 7% of all
Cirrus airplanes in North America and growing 5% per
month. In his spare time, Mike is also a prolific aviation
writer, teacher, consultant and expert witness. He writes
the maintenance column in COPA Pilot magazine and has
written many hundreds of technical articles published in
American Bonanza Society Magazine, Aviation Safety,
AVweb, Cessna Pilots Association Magazine, EAA Sport
Aviation, IFR, Light Plane Maintenance and The Aviation
Consumer. In addition, he conducts free maintenance
webinars on the first Wednesday of each month. Mike cofounded
AVweb in 1995 and served as its editor-in-chief
for more than seven years. Questions for Mike Busch may
be emailed to [email protected].