John Covino, Board Member
John’s love for aviation began at an early age, growing up near the final approach for Newark International Airport. In 1988, John enlisted in the United States Navy and began his aviation career as an Air Traffic Controller. After completing Tower certifications, he became a Radar Approach Controller working both military and civilian aircraft on the East Coast.
After military service, an FAA hiring freeze allowed John to gain experience in other facets of aviation. In 1994, John joined Signature Flight Support and worked every job at the FBO, starting as a Customer Service Representative and leaving as their Regional Marketing Manager, Northeast.
In 1997, John was appointed as a Federal Air Traffic Controller, working at Hanscom Field (KBED). This is where he saw his first Cirrus SR20 and was immediately intrigued. He then started flight lessons and became a Private Pilot, flying C172’s for many years.
In 2000, John transferred to Logan International Airport (KBOS) and has worked as a Certified Professional Controller, Traffic Management Coordinator and Operations Supervisor. A year later in 2001, he was responding to one of the darkest days in aviation, while working on the morning of September 11th. In addition to Boston Tower, John has worked the Control Towers at both Sun n’ Fun and Oshkosh Airshows.
Fun fact: He actually gave the official “landing clearance” to our COPA Formation arrival in 2023 from Oshkosh Tower.
In 2024, John retired from the FAA and is currently teaching Air Traffic Control as a contract instructor utilizing Tower Simulation Systems.
In his spare time, John shares his passion for aviation by participating in pilot town halls, safety outreach programs and educational forums, promoting safety on each side of the microphone.
John owns a 2005 Cirrus SR20 GTS, based at Hanscom Field (KBED). He is an Instrument rated pilot and Safety Pilot with COPA Formation. John is currently working on his Commercial certificate.
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Board Service Start Date: January 2025
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