Page 18 - COPA_July2023
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In addition to networking with Garmin ambassadors and executive leadership, those attending will be able to hear the company’s latest updates and receive hands-on/scenario- based avionics training, specialized by the Garmin avionics you operate:
• Pre-Perspective Avionics: Includes GTN/GTN Xi naviga- tors, TXiTM series displays and GFC 500 autopilot.
• Perspective+/Perspective Avionics: Includes some of the capabilities of the Perspective+/Perspective integrated flight deck.
These training classes are intended to serve both novice and experienced aviators, whether you’re new to the specific Garmin avionics display, or just looking for a refresher.
For a premium experience, space is limited to 48 pre-Perspec- tive avionics seats and 40 Perspective/Perspective+ seats. Registration will close for the event once available seats have been filled or by Friday, Sept. 1.
There will be two different starting times – 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. – so be sure to carefully select your choice while registering, as the classes are separated by starting time and by the avionics you choose for your training. Please consider arriving in Kansas City on Wednesday, Sept. 27, keeping that in mind when making your hotel reservations.
An expanded flight simulator lab for early co-development was added to Garmin’s new Aviation Business Center, as well as HIRF and lightning testing facilities.
Specialized hands-on/scenario-based avionics training is also included in Garmin’s event, grouped by the avionics you operate: Pre-Perspective or Perspective+/Perspective avionics.
Garmin will be providing transportation to and from Loews Hotel. Buses will begin service that morning and the last bus will return to Loews late afternoon (before COPA Cabana). Refer to the registration site for the specific agendas.
Cost is $99 and includes:
• One year of Garmin Pilot standard + premium (a $209 value)
• A 10% discount for 1 year of Garmin OnePak Americas + FliteCharts (a $99 value)
• Every attendee will be entered for a chance to win various raffle items to be given away throughout the day
• Lunch and transportation
Don’t wait! Add this exclusive event to visit Garmin – the company that revolutionized flight – to your Migration registration.
Garmin will be graciously sponsoring our Saturday pre-banquet cocktail reception, providing an open bar during the reception. Additionally, they will be offering an exciting live auction package Saturday evening, with all proceeds benefitting COPA’s Safety and Education Foundation!
Go to to register.
JULY 2023 COPA Pilot